Elizebeth Klarer
South Africa's most famous "contactee", Elizabeth Klarer, died
from cancer at the age of 83 in February ('94) . Her story is quite
fantastic, but she has never tried to cash in on it. Her overriding
aim appeared merely to impart her "Alien Knowledge" of the properties
of electro-magnetism, which she partly - perhaps wholly, who am I to
say, addressed in her book Beyond the Light Barrier (Aquarian Book
Centre Publishers: ISBN 0 86978 178 2).
At the time of her death she was writing a book with the draft title
of "Gravity File" which was intended to address the
question of a unified field theory.
Among the claims she made are that, in the World War II years, she was
trained to observe UFO's for the South African Airforce; that she has
addressed international gatherings of scientists on the "secret of
light"; and that in 1986 she was given VIP treatment in the US when
she "visited NASA and many top scientists".
But perhaps her most remarkable claim is that she met and made love to
what would probably be called a "Nordic-type" alien and subsequently
was flown to his homeworld in the Alpha-Centauri star system where she
gave birth to a son who remains there. She claimed to have brought a
fern and some crystals back with her. Photographs of the objects
appear in her book.
Her story has aroused controversy and disbelief, but she has stuck to
it for many years.
She was born in the rural town of Mooi River in the province of Natal
and spent her early life on the family farm in Rosetta, in the
foothills of the Drakensberg (Dragon Mountains). It was during that
period, she recounts in her book, that she received the first inkling
that her life was to be somehow different.
An elder from among the Zulu people who lived in the area gave her the
name "The One Who Brings Together" and told her that her golden hair
would bring the "white people from the sky and there will be a meeting
Klarer says the elder, Ladam, told her a story from his people's
folklore about the time a man and woman "white and shining with hair
of gold" came from the sky and alighted on a hill-top in the area. He
told her "these heaven-dwellers will return with the lightening
bird...and when you are a grown woman you will go to the mountain top
and there you will wait for the heaven-dwellers and there will be a
meeting together, a mating. You belong to the heaven-dwellers. We know
this the Mfiti (witch) has told us."
He told her, too, that according to folklore the Zulu people had
received white horses and cattle from the heaven-dwellers. The horses
died of "fever" but the cattle flourished. However, drought came and
they slaughtered and ate the white cattle "and through so doing,
became a warlike people".
It was during this period of her childhood, Klarer says, that with her
sister she first saw "an enormous silvery disk" swooping across the
sky. When they told her father, he discounted it as "perhaps a
meteor". Klarer went to England to further her studies (She trained as
a meteorologist in Cambridge, England, and later went to Trinity
College to get her degree equivalent in music). There she married and
had her first child.
On a visit to South Africa, (Although exact dates are not provided, it
appears to be about the mid-1930s), she and her husband, a test-pilot,
encountered a similar spaceship while flying in a DH Leopard Moth
from Durban to Johannesburg.
As she observes in her book: "I tapped my husband on the back of his
neck. He looked round and saw the enormous craft slow its speed,
changing colour to a brassy yellow as it levelled out and paced our
plane. Fascinated, I observed every detail as I pressed my nose
against the starboard window, seeing the bright hazy outline of the
great circular ship as she paced alongside. Three portholes, shedding
a softer glow, looked out from the side of a dome which sloped up from
a vast hull. Beneath the hull an intense blue-white light alternated
with the deepest violet and no sound reached my ears..."
Apparently her husband reported the sighting to Air Force Headquarters
in Pretoria and both were debriefed. It was shortly after this that
she says she was asked by someone she refers to only as the "Chief" to
become a UFO investigator.
After the war they returned to South Africa where her husband
apparently was killed and she was injured in a hangar fire.
When she was released from hospital she returned to the farm in
Rosetta. One day, while she lay quietly meditating..."I was
teleported up through the ceiling, while my body remained on the
couch...and there, above the clouds, hovering in the clear sky were
two spaceships." One of them was commanded by her future consort,
Akon explained that he was a scientist from a planet in the Alpha
Centauri star system and that his ship was made from "pure energy" in
space. When the propulsion system is activated: "...A unified field of
light instantly encircles the spaceship, an electrogravitic field
which acts on all parts simultaneously, including atoms in one's body.
"These field differentials interact to create a vacuum encircling the
spaceship and she then shifts without restriction of speed, without
sound in the atmosphere of a planet, and the light emanating is
subject to varying time and gravitic waves, shortened or lengthened.
All radiations and molecules are pushed aside in varying speeds and
quantities to give out light and the difference in speeds is perceived
by the eye as colours."
He also explains that a "tempic or time field is the controlling field
and manoeuvres the spaceship from one time field to another within the
vibration of a higher frequency emanating from the total mass of the
ships triple skin. As the field is intensified, the spaceship becomes
invisible to the watcher on the surface of the Earth, disappearing
completely, or suddenly reappearing again. She can vanish on the spot
while landed, or materialise again, the first indication of this being
a heat-wave effect during daylight in the atmosphere of Earth. At
other times, depending on atmospheric conditions, the molecules of the
atmosphere surrounding the area of proximity to the spaceship condense
into cloud as she comes into the condensation level of the
Other intriguing accounts of the planet Meton's technology are given
in the book, as well as a few startling off-the-wall claims such as
the surprise appearance on the plateau where Klarer used to meet Akon
of a Russian metallic-grey "spacecraft". Apparently the crew of two's
mission was to capture her as a means to forcing the aliens to part
with their technological secrets.
The craft, a "Vostok", is described as a globular sphere landed on
short tripod legs with wide circular bases. It was equipped with some
kind of "death-ray". In addition, the American's were also keen to
talk to the Aliens and were prepared to use similar methods. Their
efforts were being co-ordinated "from Shirley Bay" (Does this ring a
bell, anyone?). Apparently both the US and the USSR had constructed
"flying saucers" that were unstable. (The time would be in about the
Another startling claim is that Akon's people had a base in the
"centre of the Antarctic auroral zone" not far from the French and the
Russian bases. In addition, it is claimed (by Akon) that South African
scientists had discovered a "death trap above Cape Town and the South
Atlantic where there is a tendency towards the formation of a third
"world magnetic pole" which bends radiation downwards. This dangerous
radiation now penetrates deep into the atmosphere and the anomaly, an
area of magnetic disturbances, can be a prelude to a polar region of
intense magnetic power."
Cosmological tidbits include an account of our solar system (eg. "The
moon is alien to this system and came with Jupiter and its retinue of
planets"); and the nature of Quasars ("an early stage in the life of
galaxies ...held in orbit by the magnetic field of a metagalaxy...")
On a more mundane level, Klarer provides a sobering account of
UFOlogists as she found them in Johannesburg in 1956: "A motley crowd
of cranks and self-seekers, some of them very vicious and dangerous, I
thought...Dogfights and bickering were the order of the day and UFO
research societies crumbled and withered through gross ignorance and
vicious jealousy...I sensed how dearly they would love to revert to
their natural instincts and burn me at the stake like a witch."